S1 Ep18: Anosognosia
Enjoy this podcast where you will learn to observe your person living with dementia and determine in every moment if they have awareness of their memory loss or if they are in a state of complete denial and believe they are just fine.….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep17: Behaviors Indicate a Need
Many times people living with brain changes have a challenge with seeing their own brain changes. Sometimes our loved ones develop Anosognosia or the inability to see their brain deficit, making it challenging initially to engage with them….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep16: Investigating Behaviors, a story, about Jim and Mary
Early in my experience with dementia I saw people with memory loss labeled pretty quickly. I even had a gentleman tell me, “I guess they all get mean and then you have to put them somewhere”….Read More & Listen
Paula Levy is a seasoned Caregiver Consultant from Colorado Springs, CO. She has many years of experience working with Seniors in multiple capacities….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep15: Person Centered Memory Care with guest, Paula Levy
S1 Ep14: How can we make the home safe with dementia
As brains decline, safety awareness will become more important to monitor. How can we prevent falls, medication errors or loved ones locking themselves….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep13: Caregiver Support with Dementia
Caring for another person is one of the most difficult jobs I have ever been faced with. It can be all consuming and sometimes we lose our patience and risk losing our own health in the process….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep12: Answers to Questions about Dementia and Alzheimers
What is Dementia and What is the difference between Dementia and Alzheimer's disease? These are questions I frequently get so we decided to devote a podcast to answering….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep11: How to Find Appropriate Activities with Dementia
Is the activity Productive, Familiar and Enjoyable. Then we need to find ways to include Health and Hygiene in addition to Rest so they can Recharge their Batteries….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep10: Family Frustrations When Dementia Move In
Talk about an unwanted guest, Dementia is probably the most unwanted. It is unpredictable, not logical, sometimes paranoid and always changing!….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep9: Ethical Dilemmas with Dementia, Part Two
Hey Care Partners! Ethical Dilemmas with Dementia part 2 takes us deeper into conversation about handling tough situations. Keep in mind that….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep8: Ethical Dilemmas with Dementia Part 1
Challenges while caring for someone living with Dementia frequently include some ethical dilemmas. Today we will discuss a variety of these challenges ..…..Read More & Listen
S1 Ep7: Dementia Training for First Responders
With our aging population more and more first responders are experiencing individuals with brain changes, but they may not have specific training for these situations.…….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep6: Why do Law Enforcement Officers need Dementia Training?
Law-enforcement officers walk into danger every day. Sometimes there may only be a split second recognize whether this person has mental illness….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep5: Better Communication with Memory Loss Part 2
In this episode, I reviewed the great points from Better Communication Loss Part 1 then move into why we need to stay on your loved ones team.…..Read More & Listen
S1 Ep4: Better Communication with Memory Loss Part 1
We need to change the way we communicate with people living with Dementia, and it's up to us with healthy brains to make that change. Avoid unfair requests..…….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep3: Dementia Care Is Nursing Care
In this Episode Marion Kyner explains what she saw serving many years in extended care communities and comparing it to what she is doing now by providing….Read More & Listen
S1 Ep2: Understanding Alzheimer s and Dementia
In this episode, she discusses the importance of understanding dementia and how it affects individuals differently, as well as the need for better training and resources for caregivers…..Read More & Listen
S1 Ep1: Who Is Teresa Youngstrom
Join Teresa as she explores the necessity of great memory care training and also experience insightful interviews with experts in the field with real-life.….Read More & Listen