Judy’s programs and services encompass Canine Temperament testing for Breeders and new adopters, Bite risk assessments, behavior modification, and international speaking engagements. She is an ideal trainer to teach us about appropriate pets for people living with Dementia or just Seniors in general. Enjoy the true story of Judy flying to Cincinnati for a weekend on a mission to find the best dog for our 90 y/o Dad. Yes, Judy is my Sister! Listen to the way she evaluates each candidate and take notes on her expertise that led to the winner, DAISY! Obviously there is more to selecting a pet for our loved ones especially those who are older and/or showing symptoms of memory loss. But wait.... there's more!!! Judy is providing my listeners with a wonderful FREE Gift! To receive Judy's Free Gift click here: https://caninebehaviorcounseling.com/free-gift/
To Follow Judy's Work, check out these additional links!
Judy's Website: https://caninebehaviorcounseling.com/
Judy's Blog: https://caninebehaviorcounseling.com/blog/
Judy's Youtube Channel:https: //www.youtube.com/user/JudyAMooreCBCLLC/videos
Please Like, Share and Subscribe! You Got This, Teresa
You Got This, Teresa
Hello Care Partners, We have a real treat for you this week and a very special guest on our Podcast! Help me welcome Judy Moore: Judy Rapp Moore is a Portland, Maine resident who has devoted her adult life to understanding humane training methods to help problem dogs. Judy’s passion for dogs exhibiting territorial aggression led her to become President and Owner of Canine Behavior Counseling, LLC, in 2008. Judy is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) through the International Association of Animals Behavior Consultants, IAABC. A Certified CARAT Assessor (CCA) through the Clothier Animal Response Assessment Tool CARAT.
S2:E31 How To Find Your 90 y/o Dad The Best Dog!
Watch the full episode below
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Teresa Rapp Youngstrom
Dementia Specialist
Teresa is a Seasoned Registered Nurse with more than 38 years of clinical and leadership experience. Diverse core competencies including Emergency and Trauma, Labor and Delivery, OR, ICU, Medical Surgical, Rehab, Hospice, Home Care, IV and Dementia Specialist, Private Duty Care, Marketer, Assisted Living and Memory Care Director, Staff Trainer, Speaker, Consultant and CE Provider. Her compassion for people living with Dementia is evident as soon as you meet her. She will provide your organization or family with excellent insight and care.
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