S2 Ep20: Lewy Body Disease with Sarah Hyde-Williams
Hello Care Partners, We have an amazing podcast today with information so valuable to so many. Lewy Body Disease is one of the fastest moving brain failures and can be very difficult to manage and support. So we have searched across the country to bring you Sarah Hyde-Williams. Get your pens and paper out because she really shares so much! Sarah Hyde-Williams is deeply passionate about serving our seniors and their families in navigating the eldercare and senior living industry. She guides families through what is often a difficult and overwhelming time, becoming a trusted resource and unbiased confidant while helping families to achieve peace with their choices.
The focus of her practice includes care partner and professional caregiver support, consulting, education/training, and senior housing placement. Over the past 23+ years, she has held various roles within Assisted Living and Dementia-Supportive Communities, Home Health and Hospice, and is the owner of Senior Living Advisors of Austin and Collaborators In Care. She holds numerous certifications as consultant, trainer and coach. Listen closely and she describes the symptoms to look for and why we should get a good diagnosis. She wants to help care partners feel comfortable and the person living with Lewy to find a normalcy in their journey. Then she will lean into the wonderful support groups that are available. Sarah gave us permission to share her contact information so you can
Senior Living Advisors of Austin
Elder Care Consultant & Dementia Educator/Trainer
NCCDP Certified Dementia Practitioner®, Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care
Trainer® and Certified Dementia Care Manager®
ICCDP Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional®
Positive Approach to Care® Certified Independent Trainer
Central Texas Lewy Body Dementia Facilitator/Educator
Mobile 832-794-8810 | Office 512-593-7669 | Fax 512-548-7693
Email Sarah@SLAAustin.com | Website www.SeniorLivingAdvisorsAustin.com
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You Got This,
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Teresa Rapp Youngstrom
Dementia Specialist
Teresa is a Seasoned Registered Nurse with more than 38 years of clinical and leadership experience. Diverse core competencies including Emergency and Trauma, Labor and Delivery, OR, ICU, Medical Surgical, Rehab, Hospice, Home Care, IV and Dementia Specialist, Private Duty Care, Marketer, Assisted Living and Memory Care Director, Staff Trainer, Speaker, Consultant and CE Provider. Her compassion for people living with Dementia is evident as soon as you meet her. She will provide your organization or family with excellent insight and care.
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